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ABA Technique: Behavior Chaining

One of the ABA Techniques used for children with difficulties is Behavior Changing. Behavior chaining is a technique where there is a specific sequence of responses in which the completion of each response provides a cue to engage in the next response.   Behavior chaining breaks down complex skills or behavior into smaller units for ea

ABA technique: Positive Reinforcement

  There are different ABA techniques that are commonly used in managing children with difficulties. These are Positive reinforcement, behavior chaining, video modeling, differential reinforcements, self-management, and shaping. Each of them has different processes and goals. Let’s discuss what positive reinforcement is. Positive re

The ABA Process

In our previous article, we discussed the two types of Behavioral Management for children with special needs. In this article, we will focus on the ABA technique as it is the commonly used method in managing children with special needs. First, we need to know what the ABA proces

Types of Behavioral Management

There are two behavioral management models that are commonly used in facilitating children with special needs.  The Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The Applied Behavior Analysis or ABA technique addresses specific and immediate behavioral issues. On the other hand, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT  tak

ADHD Parenting

Parenting can be tough, but it is tougher when parenting a child with an ADHD condition. Your child needs more support and attention, especially during the early developmental stage. It can be very frustrating because it is a very difficult time for both the children and the parents but there are ways how to reduce the stress brought by the situati

Learn How to Learn

Learning starts as early as when we’re born, and it continues for the rest of our lives. Learning doesn’t only happen when one enters school the same thing as it doesn’t end when we finish our education. As cliché as it may sound, it’s true that learning is forever.   There are two kinds of people in terms of learning. First, th

What does early intervention do for children with Autism

Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a broad range of development disorders characterized by difficulties in socialization and communication and restricted/ repetitive pattern of behavior and interest. With early intervention, children with autism can practice social interaction, communication,

Late Talker

Is your child is around 18-30 months but not talking or has limited speech output? Are you told to “ wait and see” as all the children develop at their own pace by professionals or relatives? We can understand this can be very confusing situation for parents who seek advice for their late-talking child.   Every child is unique. Howev

Benefits of Speech and Language Therapy for Children

As a parent, you might be wondering what can your child gain from attending speech and language therapy sessions; what makes this different from school lessons or other academic activities. In this article, we will be listing down a few benefits that your child may acquire from attending speech therapy sessions. Keep in mind that speech and languag

Benefits of Early Intervention For Speech and Language Delays

Speech and Language delays in children are the first sign of developmental problems. Early Intervention is crucial in this stage to address and prevent issues that may hinder the child’s development. Speech and language delays are more difficult to cure over time - earlier treatment is always better.   Here are some of the benefits of