Blogs – Cognitive Development Learning Centre

Supporting students with motor planning difficulties

Motor planning difficulties, also known as apraxia or dyspraxia, can significantly impact a student's ability to perform everyday tasks and participate in classroom activities. Motor planning difficulties can affect fine motor skills, such as writing and drawing, as well as gross motor skills, such as walking and running. As a teacher or caregiver, there are several strategies you can use to su ... Read More

The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy in managing ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can make it challenging to stay focused, control impulses, and manage behavior, causing significant disruptions in daily life. Although medication is the most common treatment for ADHD, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is also an effective approach to manage the symptoms. CBT is a form ... Read More

The impact of dyslexia on math skills

Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects an individual's ability to read, write, and spell. However, dyslexia can also have a significant impact on math skills, which can make it difficult for students with dyslexia to keep up in math class. In this article, we will explore the impact of dyslexia on math skills and provide practical strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in ma ... Read More

Effective teaching strategies for students with dyscalculia

Mathematics is a subject that can be challenging for many students, and it can be even more daunting for those with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability that affects an individual's ability to understand and manipulate numbers. It can make math class a frustrating and stressful experience for students. However, with the right teaching strategies, educators can help these stud ... Read More

The connection between ADHD and sleep disorders

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about 5-10% of children and 2-5% of adults worldwide. Individuals with ADHD typically experience difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, which can interfere with daily functioning and academic or occupational performance. One common comorbidity that is often associated with ADHD is sl ... Read More

Identifying and supporting students with dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a specific learning difficulty that affects a person's ability to understand and work with numbers. It can have a significant impact on a student's academic performance and self-esteem, but with early identification and appropriate support, students with dyscalculia can achieve academic success and develop a positive attitude towards mathematics.   One of the key challeng ... Read More

Creating Inclusive Learning Environments for Students with Learning Difficulties

reating an inclusive learning environment is essential for students with learning difficulties. These students require a supportive and nurturing environment that addresses their unique needs to succeed academically and thrive personally. One key to creating an inclusive learning environment is to recognize and acknowledge the diverse needs of students with learning difficulties. This can invol ... Read More

The impact of learning difficulties on self-esteem and mental health

Learning difficulties can have a significant impact on self-esteem and mental health. Individuals with learning difficulties may experience challenges with academic tasks such as reading, writing, and math, which can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy. This can have a ripple effect on their overall well-being and mental health.   Low self-esteem is a common issue experienced ... Read More

Understanding the connection between ADHD and dyslexia

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia are two common learning difficulties that can coexist in individuals. While they are two separate conditions, there is a significant overlap in symptoms, which can make diagnosis and treatment challenging. In this article, we'll explore the connection between ADHD and dyslexia and how they can impact individuals.   ADHD is a n ... Read More

The Impact of Learning Difficulties on Mental Health

Learning difficulties can have a profound impact on mental health, causing anxiety, low self-esteem, and social isolation. Individuals with learning difficulties may experience challenges with academic tasks such as reading, writing, and math, which can lead to frustration and feelings of inadequacy. This can have a ripple effect on their overall well-being and mental health.   Anxiety ... Read More