Blogs – Cognitive Development Learning Centre

How to Support the Emotional Needs of Kids with Learning Disabilities

A child's learning disability may affect their emotional health as much as their academic performance. Learning disabilities risk children developing low self-esteem and fear of failure and build anxiety in them as they work to master subjects that may be challenging. Aside from their learning issues, they may experience frustrations, sadness, and anxiety. To support your kids with their emotio ... Read More

Sensory Techniques in Teaching Handwriting to Children

Handwriting is more than just putting pen to paper. It involves fine motor and visual motor skills. While some children struggle with handwriting, it doesn’t have to be a challenge. Here are some multisensory techniques that can help your child improve their handwriting. Use dark-ruled and “bumpy” paper. Use paper with wide and bold lines to help your child stay in line when writing. Y ... Read More

Strategies on How to Manage Classrooms with Special Needs Children

Classroom management is different for children with special needs and teachers require a different approach to the usual classroom setting. Here are some strategies to create an inclusive and personalized environment based on their needs. Arrange Desks Strategically in the Classroom Special needs children, especially those with ADHD are easily distracted. Set their desks away from doors and ... Read More

How can special education support your child’s learning?

Special Education (SPED) specialises in programs that help students with learning difficulties improve their learning capabilities and cultivate their potential. As special needs children face different challenges and may not progress at the same pace as their peers, the approach of special education is not “one size fits all”. These programs are designed to cater to the individual needs of th ... Read More

How do you motivate a child with special needs?  

Growing up with a disability is not easy. Being different can sometimes be frustrating and children with special needs may find themselves comparing themselves with other children. This may cause insecurities and demotivation on their part. It’s a challenge for parents to help their kids overcome this when it happens. They will need a lot of support and encouragement to be motivated. Thus, he ... Read More

How Should Teachers Treat Students with Special Needs?

As an educator, teachers have the opportunity to play a major role in influencing the lives of young people. Working with children, and helping them shape their future is a very rewarding job and it is even more rewarding and worthwhile when working with children with special needs.  However, as with every career path and industry, there are also challenges and adversities that come with the r ... Read More

ABA Technique: Shaping

Shaping is an ABA technique that provides differential reinforcement for a progression of responses that are similar to the target response. It is the use of successive approximations of the desired behavior. The process of Shaping starts by breaking down the desired behavior into smaller and more manageable steps. Each step that the child successfully achieved is one step closer to achieving t ... Read More

ABA Technique: Self-Management

  Self-management is a strategy to increase independence and teach new skills and behaviors through monitoring, recording, and rewarding one’s own behavior. In self-management, the individual monitors his own behavior, rather than someone else doing it. Components of self-management Set a goal or desired behavior Arrange the environment to make it more likely for the child ... Read More

ABA Technique: Differential Reinforcement

  The differential Reinforcement technique is a process of giving and withholding reinforcement in order to encourage the desired behavior. This technique is done differently for each child, and it depends on their behavior level. As opposed to the traditional reinforcement technique where a reward and punishment are given based on the child’s behavior, differential reinforcement igno ... Read More

ABA Technique: Video Modeling

Video Modeling is an ABA teaching method used to develop and strengthen communication skills, academic performance, and social and self-help skills. The targeted behaviors that the child is to learn are videotaped. Then the child watches the video and is given the chance to memorize, imitate, and generalize those behaviors. For example, the goal behavior is to teach the child to learn how to ... Read More