The Benefits of Playing in Children’s Learning

benefits of playing

Play is a vital part of every child’s learning development. Through play, children can learn essential skills in various aspects of their lives. It is also a very important part of early intervention. With the use of stimulants or toys, even children in their infancy can benefit a lot from playing. Here are some of the reasons why:

Nurturing their imagination and creativity

Playing builds a child’s imagination. Through pretend-play, they were able to act out differently and follow certain rules based on whom they were pretending to be. This helps improve their self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Symbolic playing where they imagine a certain thing as another is also an important factor in their development as it boosts their creativity that contributes to their success in life.

Development of fine and gross motor skills

Playing is also a form of exercise that promotes fit and healthy children. Physical playing helps improve their motor skills, strengthen their muscles and reflexes, and improve their balance and movement control all while having fun. On the other hand, arts and crafts help children engage small muscles in their hands which would help develop their fine motor skills.

Emotional and Behavioral Benefits

Just like adults turn to exercise and sports when feeling overwhelmed or stressed, playing is a great way for kids to reduce anxiety and boost their self-esteem. Group playing is a great activity that helps kids improve their behaviors when interacting with other people. It exposes them to a better understanding and processes of the world around them.

Improves Literacy

Playing improves children’s literacy through interaction. They learn words and syllables they hear from their playmates which improves their vocabulary over time. Engaging in conversations and exchanging stories also helps them open their minds about their role in the community. Educational toys and games can also help them develop some skills and improve their focus and comprehension.

Encourage Independence

Playing gives children power and the opportunity to set the rules. Unlike any other everyday circumstances, they have the opportunity to take the lead when playing. It gives them a sense of autonomy which boosts their confidence.