Cognitive, Author at Cognitive Development Learning Centre – Page 16 of 19

Teaching Self-Advocacy to Children with Disabilities

Many parents, individuals and organizations advocate for the welfare and rights of children with disabilities. The role of these people is very important because they support and promote causes that will provide a quality life for children with disabilities. However, as much as these advocates are important and helpful, it is also necessary to teac

Understanding Dyscalculia

  Dyscalculia might not be familiar to many, but it is one of the most common learning difficulties. Dyscalculia is a condition where a person struggles in understanding and performing math problems, or any tasks related to mathematics. Most children may have trouble in mathematics at some point especially during their first few years in scho

Prenatal Risks of Birth Defects

The prenatal stage is one of the most crucial stage in every child’s developmental journey. During this stage, a single-celled zygote slowly develops into a fetus. It is also at the stage that vital parts of the body develop. This stage of development is very critical. Development during the prenatal stage is the foundation of the quality of lif

How to Help Children with Learning Difficulties Cope with Anxiety

Apart from the challenge of getting through their everyday life with their learning difficulty, children with learning difficulties also have to cope with anxiety. They may not look like it but these children often feel very vulnerable. They experience a lot of fear and distress over their learning difficulty. Some of them may cope well but others

Why can’t we say ‘Handicapped’?

As the world starts evolving, our choice of words becomes more and more important in our everyday conversations. The term ‘handicapped’ may sound a little offensive and debilitating to some people and hence, the term ‘person with disability’ should be used instead.   Why does it even matter?   Language has cha

Understanding Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

What is Apraxia of Speech? Also known as verbal dyspraxia, childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor disorder that affects the speaking ability of a child where the brain fails to coordinate with the muscles that are responsible for speech. Children with CAS have difficulty in producing sounds not because they do not know what

Early Signs of Autism

ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), commonly known as Autism, is one of the most common diagnosis among children. In an article published by Vincent Iannelli, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease and Control Prevention reported that in 2014, 1 out of 68 children are diagnosed with Autism as com

How to Identify Early Signs of Speech Developmental Delays in Infants and Young Children

The ‘first word’ is always one of the greatest milestones for both the child and the parents. It is highly anticipated by the parents because it is one of the first signs of their child’s speech development. Children develop speech at different pace. There are some who learn to talk as early as 12 to 18 months while there are others who take


As children start to learn how to write, it is inevitable that they will commit some writing errors. It is part and parcel of the learning process. However, parents should be also cautious at this stage of learning and to closely monitor your child’s progress. If these writing errors continue to occur for a long period of time, it might signify t

Developing Your Child’s Reading Skills

People say that reading is like feeding your soul. Reading can take you to places and it can teach you a lot of things. It develops your understanding and knowledge about a wide range of topics from literature, science, medicine, world phenomenon, culture differences, etc. Reading can also help to increase your vocabulary. However, not everyone en