Blogs – Cognitive Development Learning Centre

Looking at the Normal (Technical) Stream from a Different Perspective

The streaming system of Singapore’s secondary education has brought about a lot of concerns from parents. This streaming system, in a way, has created a stereotype regarding the students who are in each respective stream. More often than not, the Normal (Technical) stream tends to have a reputation of having rebellious students and a place where students will learn to join gangs and engage in so ... Read More

The Benefits of Nursery Rhymes for Children

Who doesn’t love nursery rhymes? Nursery rhymes are part of everyone’s childhood. These are the songs our parents usually play or sing to us to entertain us. Before we learned about bands and pop songs, nursery rhymes were our jam. Nursery rhymes are traditional poems and songs for children. They usually tell short stories of animals and people using repetitive lines and rhyming words. They ha ... Read More

What is it like to have ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is caused by an unusual development of the brain. This unusual development affects the person's attention span and self-control. Symptoms vary and affects each individual differently, making it hard to detect. As a result, many are unaware that they have ADHD until they have reached adulthood. While there is no formal statistics done in Singapore, ... Read More

What it is like to be dyslexic?

  When you google the word ‘dyslexia’, you will come across many articles about its definition, symptoms, causes, treatments and other various teaching strategies that are centered around helping people with dyslexia to cope with this difficulty. From the vast amount of online resources available, we may be able to form some idea as to how dyslexia affects a person but, do really know wh ... Read More

Whoopi Goldberg

Slow. Retarded. Dumb. Lazy. These are some of the words that people used to describe Whoopi Goldberg when she was growing up. School was not easy for Goldberg. She suffered difficulties in learning and eventually dropped out of high school when she was 17. She was not diagnosed of dyslexia until she entered adulthood that is why she lived with all the judgement for years. She was subjected to bull ... Read More

Orlando Bloom

  Orlando Bloom is a British actor born on January 13, 1977 in Canterbury, England. He is well known for his roles in the movie series “The Lord of the Rings” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”. He had starred alongside famous artists like Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. Bloom had been into arts even at an early age. He attended drama school and joined theater organizations. He partakes in d ... Read More

How to Teach Children with Challenging Behaviour

Teaching can be very challenging at times, especially in a classroom setting. There are so many possible distractions and the classroom can be very chaotic. It is already difficult enough to hold a great number of students in one room, but it becomes even more difficult when one or some of them have challenging behaviours. In a classroom, there are many different kinds of students. More often tha ... Read More

The Benefits of Picture Books for Children with Special Needs

As human beings, there are things and circumstances around us that will affect us emotionally, be it seeing a child crying or seeing a little puppy whining for attention. In situations of great distress, we may be prone to exhibiting unsightly behaviours and making rash decisions. In order to avoid such scenarios from happening, we exert a great amount of control over our emotions by using various ... Read More

Behavioural Intervention

Part of parenting is managing with your child’s behaviour. Every child exhibits different and challenging behaviours, be it in the classroom or at home. However, if these behaviours are left unaddressed, they can develop into something potentially more troublesome in the future. Some examples of inappropriate behaviours are: Disrupting classes Using inappropriate languages Being aggressiv ... Read More

Promoting Disability Awareness

Struggling through everyday life with a condition is difficult enough for people with disabilities. But what makes it harder for them is dealing with the judgement and discrimination from other people. Thousands of people around the world suffer from one form of disability. Some of them are fortunate enough to be able to succeed despite their condition, but a lot of them are not as fortunate. They ... Read More