Cognitive, Author at Cognitive Development Learning Centre – Page 17 of 19

Screen Dependency Disorder

Everywhere you look, screens are all around us. Everyone, from toddlers to the elderly, has easy access to it and often times, they are so engrossed in their devices that they forget what is happening around them. In this article, I am going to highlight exactly what Screen Dependency Disorder is and who does it affect the most.   As adults,

How Does Pet Ownership Benefit Children with Special Needs?

Who doesn’t love pets? Having a pet at home is, more often than not, a good idea. Their natural charm brings warmth and joy to the household. For some people, they even consider their pets as part of the family. We can go on listing the benefits of having pets at home, but one thing that most people do not know about is that pets also have a huge

How to Give Constructive Criticisms to Your Child

As parents, it is your obligation to educate your child and correct them when they make mistakes. However, giving out criticisms is not as simple as it sounds especially when it comes to young children. No matter how you put it, constructive criticism is still criticism. Children are very sensitive. Whatever you say greatly affects the way they vi

Parenting a Child with Special Needs

Parenting is never an easy thing to do and it is a lot more difficult for parents who have children with special needs. They encounter a lot more challenges every day that might test their patience and self-control as such, they feel more exhausted than typical parents. According to an article published in Boston University’s website, a 

The Importance of Homework in Learning

The last thing that children would want to do after a long day at school is homework. It is difficult to make them do their homework because they are often too tired from school and other co-curricular activities. They are also distracted by the games and other forms of entertainment at home. This is a real challenge for parents because it often st

Co-curricular Activities for Kids with Learning Difficulties

School can be exhausting for children and it is even more difficult for children with learning difficulties.  Having lessons every day where they are being bombarded with information can be too tiring for a young child. Knowing that children naturally have a shorter attention span and are easily distracted, at a certain point after long hours of l

Importance of Early Intervention for Children with Learning Difficulties

The ages of 3-6 is the most crucial developmental stage for children. It is where they start learning important life skills such as communication and problem-solving as well as developing psycho-social and motor skills. It is extremely critical that parents closely monitor their child’s development during this stage. Any noticeable delays in the

Memory Improvement

Memory is a very important component related to learning. By definition, it is the process of storing or encoding information we have acquired through learning. Before moving forward, let’s take note of the difference between learning and memory. Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or information whereas memory

Learning Difficulties (LD) and Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The common misconception that most people have regarding people with learning difficulties (LD) is that they are inherently less intelligent and lazy. Ironically, people with LD is not as perceived but rather that they learn at a slower pace and in a different manner from the rest. In this article, we are going to clarify what exactly is a learning

Food and Learning Difficulties

Food is one of the most important among our basic needs. Aside from keeping us alive and going, food does a lot of wonder in our body that we may never know. As to the saying “You are what you eat”, the food that we eat reflects us as a person. Thus, it’s very important for us to have a proper and healthy diet. Aside from its physiological ef