Cognitive, Author at Cognitive Development Learning Centre – Page 14 of 19

Overview of Early Intervention

Early intervention is a term used to describe the services and supports that are available to babies and young children with developmental delays and disabilities. The support is also extended to their families and caregivers.  Such services may include areas in communication, physical and other types of intervention based on the child and familyâ

5 Telltale Signs Your Toddler Might Need Speech Therapy

Are you worried that your child is not showing behaviors expected for his or her age? Is your child not speaking yet or not speaking enough? Are you wondering your child might need speech therapy? Here are 5 telltale signs your child might need speech therapy:

  1. Not Responding to sounds and name calling

The Good and Bad influence of Social Media

In the current digital age, social media has become a huge part of our daily lives. In fact, some of our daily activities have been linked or are dependent on social media. We use social media for personal and business purposes. We use it to communicate and stay in touch with friends and relatives all around the world. We use it to transact and do

Facilitating Your Child’s Learning At Home During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill, as we wait collectively for the situation to improve. In the meantime, our lives have all been impacted significantly. As with many other countries, Singapore enforced a lockdown as part of measures taken to curtail the spread of the virus. During a lockdown, most citizens were not allowe

Preverbal and Joint Attention Skills

Preverbal skills refer to the various ways in which we communicate without words. These skills are essential as they support language learning in children. These skills include eye contact, joint attention and concentration. Once the child has mastered the basic skills of eye contact, paying attention and concentration, other forms of preverbal ski

Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech? Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder whereby a child’s brain has difficulty coordinating the complex oral movements needed to create sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into phrases. Muscle weakness is not the culprit behind this disord

Stimming: What it is and who it affects

Stimming is a short self-stimulatory behaviour, often used to calm yourself down or distract yourself through distractive actions. Although it is often observed in children with autism, you and I probably do it all the time as

Understanding Lisp

What is a lisp?   A lisp is known to be a mispronounced sound which is caused by the misplacement of the tongue during speech. There are two types of lisp:  

  1. Frontal lisp — This happens when the tongue is placed too far forward therefore making a /th/ sound for /s/ and /z/ sound (e.g.: saying th


What is tele-practice? Due to the current situation (COVID-19), tele-practice has gradually gained popularity and taken over the traditional therapy method (face-to-face therapy). Tele-practice is the application of using telecommunicating technology to deliver speech therapy services at a distance. This method links the speech therapist to the c

Ways to Boost Your Child’s Academic Achievements

The foundation of education starts not at school, but rather at home. Family, especially parents, are the role models from which children would derive their core values, inspiration and motivation. As such, parents play a vital role in shaping the outlook of a child’s academic journey. Practices at home can have a vital influence on the child’s